Improved Health and Vision: The Benefits of Routine Eye Exams


When was the last time you had an eye exam? If you're like most people, it's probably been a while. Many people only schedule an appointment with an eye doctor when they start experiencing problems with their vision. However, routine eye exams are vital to maintaining good eye health and preserving clear vision. This blog post will explore the benefits of routine eye exams and why you should make them a part of your regular healthcare routine.

27 November 2023

Routine Eye Exam Or Comprehensive Eye Exam: Which One Should You Get Soon?


If you need to check your eyes soon, you may wonder if you should get a routine eye exam or a comprehensive medical exam. The first exam you may want to get is a routine eye exam. A routine eye exam can alert an eye doctor to anything that may require medical intervention right away or in the future. Learn more about the two types of eye exams and which one you may want to do first below.

4 May 2023

Why It's So Vital To Invest In Eye Care Services


The benefits of great eyesight are almost too numerous to name. When you are able to see clearly it's easier to navigate through the world and avoid dangers that would otherwise be invisible if your eyes were somehow impaired. Maintaining your eyesight may seem to be a natural occurrence but this isn't always the case. If you don't see the optometrist on a regular basis but don't want to continue with this trend, find out why it's critical for you to book regular visits with an eye care professional.

21 October 2022

Tips For Relieving Eye Pain


One of the most difficult things to deal with is eye pain. It can be debilitating and if you don't know what to do it can interrupt your everyday routine. While eye pain will usually go away on its own, there are times when it can be persistent. If you feel as if your eye pain is not getting better then you will need to take measures to control it. 

25 April 2022

What Exactly Are Computer Eye Glasses?


Computer eye glasses are not new; they've been around for several years. These are task-specific glasses meant for use when staring at a computer screen, smartphone screen, or any similar lit-up source. They do require a prescription; while you can get blue-light blocking lenses and reading glasses from stores without a prescription, these won't help solve the specific problems created when you look at a laptop screen for hours on end.

2 November 2021

4 Signs You Need An Eye Exam


Good vision is essential as it facilitates independence, and you can comfortably carry out your daily activities such as driving. Additionally, good eyesight ensures your safety as you can see possible danger and avoid it. For instance, you can easily evade an accident on the road.  However, maintaining good vision requires that you take care of your eyes. Part of the process involves getting eye exams. During the exam, an optometrist checks your eye alignment, movement, and visual acuity.

21 July 2021

How To Cope With Eye Pain At Home


Eye pain is one of the most common eye conditions that people experience. It is often not serious and will resolve itself without any need for medication or treatment. On the other hand, if your eye pain is accompanied by vision loss, you will need to seek professional help. However, if you are just experiencing normal and occasional eye pain, take a look at these at-home treatment options. Rest Your Eyes

22 February 2021

2 Tips To Avoid Developing Dry Eyes While Wearing Your Multifocal Contact Lenses During The Day


If you deal with a number of prescription issues, then you may have to alternate between different contact lenses. This can often be frustrating and cause discomfort to your eyes. Therefore, doctors often recommend multifocal contact lenses. These lenses are filled with a number of prescriptions to fit your optical needs. While multifocal contact lenses are often more convenient, they can still cause your eyes to dry out during the day.

11 October 2016

Ophthalmologists And Your Vision


It can be tricky deciding which doctor to visit for your eye health. There are ophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians that all provide critical and quality health care. While they are all extremely proficient at what they do and there is some definite overlap, this article is going to focus on ophthalmologists. If you have been having some eye problems this article will outline what an ophthalmologist is able to help with, and also discuss when it is time to visit ophthalmologist.

6 June 2016

Four Things To Do Before Cataract Surgery


If you're about to undergo cataract surgery, no doubt you've gotten pre-op instructions that tell you when to stop eating, what medications to avoid, and so on. Cataract surgery itself is very common and relatively easy to handle. But you're still going to need recovery time, and it's best not to make yourself do more than you have to during your resting period. That means ensuring that you and your home are prepared before you go off for surgery.

5 May 2016