What Exactly Are Computer Eye Glasses?


Computer eye glasses are not new; they've been around for several years. These are task-specific glasses meant for use when staring at a computer screen, smartphone screen, or any similar lit-up source. They do require a prescription; while you can get blue-light blocking lenses and reading glasses from stores without a prescription, these won't help solve the specific problems created when you look at a laptop screen for hours on end.

Computer Light and Staring in One Spot

Staring at a computer or phone screen for hours creates a number of problems. One, they're light sources; you wouldn't want to stare at a light bulb for hours, and while these screens aren't as bright as a bulb, the light can still strain your eyes over time. You can end up with tired, itchy eyes and blurry vision. Two, they emit a larger amount of blue light, one of the wavelengths that makes up white light. Blue light can mess with your internal clock, making you sleep less well and potentially harming your eyes physically, although the research is still ongoing there.

They Are Not the Same as Reading Glasses

Computer glasses are not the same as reading glasses in two ways. One, the magnification in computer glasses is less than the magnification in reading glasses; the purpose of computer glasses is to combat the effects of staring into light and not enlarging the text you're reading. Two, the distance at which you read a book and at which you look at a computer screen are different, and that will affect the magnification needed, too. You usually hold a book a few inches from your face, but you'll normally sit almost a couple of feet from a computer screen. So, if you have reading glasses, don't assume that they will be good substitutes for computer glasses.

You Don't Have to Need Regular Vision Correction to Get Them

Because computer glasses combat the effects of light from the screen, you don't necessarily need to have regular glasses or contacts prescriptions. You can have 20/20 vision normally, but if you've noticed a lot of eye fatigue or irritation after working at a computer, you should get these glasses. And you can get computer glasses even if you feel fine, in order to stave off any future effects of light from the screen.

All you have to do is visit an optometrist for an eye exam. Whether you need your regular exam to update other prescriptions or are just curious about how computer eye glasses can help you, call your optometrist's office for an appointment.


2 November 2021

Getting Headaches? Pay the Optometrist a Visit!

My name is Natalie Hunter. I am 29 and an elementary teacher. I created this website because I recently discovered something and wanted to share it with others. I had been suffering headaches for the past year that seemed to be gradually growing in severity. I had tried over-the-counter medications, homeopathic remedies and even made appointments with my doctor. I was given a CT scan and tried prescription medications. Finally, the doctor asked if I have had my eyes checked, as eye strain and eye issues can also cause headaches. I made an appointment with an optometrist, received a prescription for eyeglasses and suddenly, my headaches went away. It seems easy, but I had no idea. If you have headaches, I hope my website helps you understand what to expect when visiting an optometrist and how it can help with your headaches.