How To Cope With Eye Pain At Home


Eye pain is one of the most common eye conditions that people experience. It is often not serious and will resolve itself without any need for medication or treatment. On the other hand, if your eye pain is accompanied by vision loss, you will need to seek professional help. However, if you are just experiencing normal and occasional eye pain, take a look at these at-home treatment options.

Rest Your Eyes

One of the major causes of eye pain is tired eyes. If you spend hours staring at a computer screen or watching television your eyes can become strained. The best way to relieve this kind of pain is simply to take a break from your devices and rest your eyes for a few days.

Contact Lenses

If you frequently wear contact lenses then your eyes may need a break. Try wearing glasses for a day instead to ease the pressure on your corneas. You may even need to take more than a day away from your contact lenses to reduce your eye pain.

Flushing Your Eyes

One of the most common causes of eye pain is a foreign object in your eye. Removing the foreign object is easy when you run your eyes under a tap. If you don't trust the quality of water coming from your tap, you can use a saline solution to wash the irritants from your eyes.

Pain Medications

Over-the-counter medications can be useful in helping to ease eye pain. You can purchase an over-the-counter pain reliever and take it to see if it reduces the pain. If the pain continues you should visit your eye doctor; it may be that you need something stronger. The need for a stronger pain reliever is a sign that there may be a more serious underlying problem.

Use a Warm Compress

Sometimes your eyes just need a bit of gentle care, especially if they are swollen. A warm compress can provide a welcome relief from puffy and swollen eyes. You can make a warm compress by warming a damp towel and placing it over the eye.

Eye pain can be inconvenient, to say the least. However, it is something that you have to deal with. Your eyes are essential to making your life comfortable. If you have been causing eyestrain in any way then it is time to reassess what you are doing so that you can save your vision. Contact an eye doctor for more information.


22 February 2021

Getting Headaches? Pay the Optometrist a Visit!

My name is Natalie Hunter. I am 29 and an elementary teacher. I created this website because I recently discovered something and wanted to share it with others. I had been suffering headaches for the past year that seemed to be gradually growing in severity. I had tried over-the-counter medications, homeopathic remedies and even made appointments with my doctor. I was given a CT scan and tried prescription medications. Finally, the doctor asked if I have had my eyes checked, as eye strain and eye issues can also cause headaches. I made an appointment with an optometrist, received a prescription for eyeglasses and suddenly, my headaches went away. It seems easy, but I had no idea. If you have headaches, I hope my website helps you understand what to expect when visiting an optometrist and how it can help with your headaches.