Four Things To Do Before Cataract Surgery


If you're about to undergo cataract surgery, no doubt you've gotten pre-op instructions that tell you when to stop eating, what medications to avoid, and so on. Cataract surgery itself is very common and relatively easy to handle. But you're still going to need recovery time, and it's best not to make yourself do more than you have to during your resting period. That means ensuring that you and your home are prepared before you go off for surgery. Here are four things you can do before cataract surgery to make your post-op days much easier.

Clean Up

After cataract surgery, your vision is likely to be blurry for a while, and your glasses prescription, if you have one, could change. That will make it more annoying to have to deal with visual details -- and those include much more than just written words. Seeing small obstacles on the floor and having to shuffle around papers and books left lying out, for example, are issues you don't want to deal with after the surgery.

The solution is to clean up. Get your files organized, your books put away, shoes tucked off to the side in each room, and so on. Even if you can't do a full-blown organization on your home, you can sort items so that if you need to find something, you will know generally where to look, and nothing will be in your way as you try to move around your home. This is especially helpful if you have someone in your home with you, helping you out -- you can just tell the person which pile to look in if he or she needs to find something.

Stash Cash

Sometimes recovery time is very short, and you find yourself able to drive, shop, and generally take care of yourself rapidly. However, in case your eyes demand a little more resting time, you may have to rely on taxi rides to get around, and using ATMs or debit card pad readers at stores could be a pain. Rather than hoping you'll grab the right credit card or trying to deal with blurry numbers on a PIN pad, store enough cash for a couple of taxi rides and some shopping if needed. It's best to stock up on food and other goods before the surgery, too, but just in case you forget something, keep that cash around. If you're unsure about identifying bills when your vision is blurry, you can try folding different denominations in different ways.

Make Meals

Speaking of stocking up, ensure your kitchen is well-stocked with meals so that you don't have to cook for a few days. These can be anything from cold meals made in bulk to TV dinners, but be sure that, should your vision take a while to clear up after the surgery, you'll have nutritious meals to eat that will be easy to prepare.

Store Water

In the first day or so after your surgery, you might not feel like doing much, or even moving much. You could feel great, too, but if it turns out you're firmly in the get-more-rest camp, keep small water bottles by your bed. Staying hydrated is essential for helping your recovery along. Stock some straws -- the type with the accordian-style bend near one end -- as well to make it easier to sip the water if you don't want to sit up.

Cataract surgery is usually not a huge production, but the fact is that it is surgery, and it does require that you change your habits and daily schedule for a short time. If you want more tips on making that short time a lot simpler and easier, talk to your ophthalmologist, such as Discover Vision Centers , about potential side effects and ways to minimize their effects.


5 May 2016

Getting Headaches? Pay the Optometrist a Visit!

My name is Natalie Hunter. I am 29 and an elementary teacher. I created this website because I recently discovered something and wanted to share it with others. I had been suffering headaches for the past year that seemed to be gradually growing in severity. I had tried over-the-counter medications, homeopathic remedies and even made appointments with my doctor. I was given a CT scan and tried prescription medications. Finally, the doctor asked if I have had my eyes checked, as eye strain and eye issues can also cause headaches. I made an appointment with an optometrist, received a prescription for eyeglasses and suddenly, my headaches went away. It seems easy, but I had no idea. If you have headaches, I hope my website helps you understand what to expect when visiting an optometrist and how it can help with your headaches.